Certified Plumbing Work

What’s in a Name?

-Certified Plumbing- Providing Quality Work At A Fair Price

We know you have all been on the edge of your seats wondering about why we call ourselves “Certified Plumbing.” At this time, we would like to put our expectant audience at ease and give you an answer; or a couple that might suffice.

First of all, we’re professional plumbers. We’re sure you’ve gathered as much so far. Our job is to know and to really understand the inner workings of your home’s pipes and drains. Plumbing can be a seriously great thing. If you doubt us, give us a call after a few weeks without hot or even running water. Even the most hardy campers and backpackers appreciate coming home to the respite of efficient plumbing. Plumbing can equally be a nightmare to handle when something goes wrong. That’s where we come in. Certified Plumbing is prepared and ready to take that nightmare away from Macomb County and replace it with the wondrous daydream that plumbing can be. Or rather, we’ll restore your plumbing system to its “seriously great” state so that you can put it out of sight and out of mind.

But there is another, more important reason why we call ourselves “certified”. As we go about our work on your plumbing, we do our jobs as if we were performing the task on our own homes. Not only have we performed many of the same repairs and installations on our own houses that we provide as a service to you, but in working with you, we know that we are working with our neighbors: our friends. We want to keep it that way. We’d like to stay friends. We also know that the only way to do that is to continue to provide you with only the highest quality service. We will ‘certify,’ give you a guarantee, of our best work on your plumbing. We are Certified Plumbing, and serving you is our pleasure.

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